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Games are activities that have an extremely important and functional place in the nature of children. Individuals acquire a lot of information through the games they play, especially in infancy and childhood. Games, which are considered only as a means of having a pleasant time for adults, have a much more important place for children. As a matter of fact, games, which are the most effective communication language of children, are not only communication tools; It is one of the main tools of learning.

Children who discover their own features and inner world through games; He gains extremely important features such as imagination, self-identity and the ability to act independently, thanks to games. The fact that babies learn to play before they speak also shows how critical play is for babies and children. Dosemealti playgroup; It is a type of activity that is based on these critical benefits of the game and is planned and implemented with expert control and ingenuity.

What is the Dosemealti Playground, and for whom is it suitable?

Dosemealti playgroup; It is a program where children come together with their peers, spend time with materials, toys and games selected in accordance with their age and developmental periods, discover and learn many unknowns about their inner world and social life, and acquire the awareness of being a member of a group and sharing. The playgroup is applied on the days and times determined by the experts, taking into account the characteristics and conditions of the children, with options that parents can also participate in.

Playgroups are an efficient program that supports development in every aspect, in which psycho-motor, emotional, mental, physical, sensory and cognitive skills can be developed by infants or children in a safe and social environment, under expert control, through toys and materials. The Döşemealtı playgroup always creates a social environment against the problems created by changing life conditions and responds to the relationship and interaction needs of children in the pre-school period.

Participation in playgroups; In fact, it is suitable from infancy, which is a rapid development process. Playgroups, which are based on quality time spent with the mother during infancy, help to establish an effective bond by increasing the quality and value of time between mother and baby. Considering the increasing communication of children with their peers and the development of language skills, especially in the two-year-old period; Playgroup activities will be extremely useful for quiet and introverted babies and children.

What are the Benefits of the Dosemealti Playground for Children?

Obtaining the expected benefit from the playgroup is directly related to the success, professionalism and experience of the specialist and center to be chosen. For this reason, it is important to choose the most accurate address in order to fully benefit from the benefits of the playgroup. Numerous points can be mentioned in terms of the benefits of the underfloor playgroup. However, to list the main benefits of the playgroup;

  • It offers a suitable and safe environment for social interaction and communication of children and babies.
  • It enables children and babies to increase their learning through toys, materials and games.
  • It contributes to language development.
  • It helps the rapid development of motor skills by supporting them.
  • It provides a suitable space for children to participate in new activities and learn while having fun.
  • It allows babies and children to acquire and learn new skills.
  • It allows access to different materials, toys and equipment.
  • It provides optimum environmental conditions for babies and children to spend time in a happy and safe environment.
  • It allows children and parents to communicate actively.
  • It allows parents to communicate and exchange ideas with other parents.

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